
SCMC Group is a dealing member of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and through our platform, we offer our individual, corporate and government clients access to private and publicly traded financial instruments and securities. Our goal is to always strive to ensure best execution on behalf of our clients. The instruments we trade on and assist our clients gain exposure to and divest from as required include: 

• Equities
• Bonds
• Commercial Papers
• Convertibles
• Preferences shares
• Exchange Traded Funds and units of other Collective Investment Schemes We place a premium on the financial success and peace of mind of our clients and we have designed our system to ensure that we can be easily accessible. Our clients’ trading “Touch Points” was designed to ensure the safety of our clients investments, make it easy for them to reach us whenever they wish to and ensure their confidentiality.

Three Touch Points

Our clients can reach us and place buy and/or sell mandates using any or all of the following means:
• Telephone
• Email
• Through our website.

As much as we are always happy to welcome our clients to our office either for a visit or to transact business, the Touch Points makes it possible for clients to transact business with us without having to leave the comfort of their homes or offices. At SCMC, we endeavour to execute the mandates of our clients with view to incurring as little market impact and implicit costs as possible while achieving best execution.

Registrar Matters

We value the relationship we have with our various stakeholders particularly the Registrars. These relationships and the understanding we have of their various internal processes enables us to process our submissions very quickly and transact business with them efficiently. The services we render to our clients that need processing at the Registrars’ offices include:

 • Verification/dematerialization of share certificates
• Extraction of warrants and certificates
• Reconciliation of share or stock holding in various companies or investment vehicles

Other Services

In addition to the traditional securities services, we also assist our clients effect the following: Wealth Tracking: Whereby we assist our clients track their investments at the various registrars, reconcile their positions and ensuring that our clients take possession of their assets.Estate Management: We also offer transmission services and management of estate accounts. Whether deceased individual dies with a will or intestate, we are able to track the entire shareholding of the deceased individual and ensure a smooth transfer to their estate and/or beneficiaries. We also act as executors and administrators of wills and estates.


We ensure that the lines of communication between SCMC and all our clients remain unbroken and painstakingly ensure that all our clients receive ongoing investment support and advice from our designated financial advisers. Our daily newsletter, Closing Bell, has relevant and easy to read information available for every client and this newsletter and our website offer stock tips and general investment information.

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We succeed when our clients feel a sense of accomplishment based on the services we have offered them