Investment Management

Our investment management function has two guiding principles: ensure the return of investment and deliver superior return on investment for the client. Both are done while operating within the confines of an ethical investment management infrastructure. 

We have three main investment management products that cater to the needs of our truly diverse clientele and these products are backed by our robust research and consistently improving analysts and account managers. 

This function is operated within a robustly designed risk management infrastructure and we make investments on behalf of our clients and our firm with every sense of responsibility and always within acceptable norms and standards of investment practice. 

Each client’s financial position and investment goals are identified and carefully analysed before a portfolio and/or financial product is recommended or designed and each client’s financial situation is reviewed at least annually. 

These reviews help us to have a client specific investment policy statement that caters for the needs of that particular client. 

In addition to our guiding principles of ensuring safely of investment and generating superior returns, we attach a lot of importance to the confidentiality of our clients. 

Our three main Investment Management products are:

First Steps Fund

This product offers an excellent opportunity for investing in a diversified portfolio of securities to protect your children's/wards' future. Just think about all the financing that you would require now and in the future to give your children and/or wards the quality of life and indeed education you desire, then you would realise that if your finances are to be equal to the vision, you have to start planning right away. Download Here

Twilight Fund

This product offers an excellent opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities towards the refuge of a minimum lifestyle in the future. Most people live their best lives in their productive years, while there is little or no plan towards the twilight or retirement years. This product is designed to offer investors the opportunity to determine their future now via an investment culture that is productive, unique, flexible and innovative. Download Here

The SCMC Account

This product offers an excellent opportunity to own a pool of investments (or assets) towards enjoying an agreed threshold rate of returns with diversified risk. Each client based on their investment policy statement is assigned a private investment advisor to manage, guide in choice, appropriateness and suitability of holdings in the portfolio. Download Here

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We succeed when our clients feel a sense of accomplishment based on the services we have offered them